
Tuesday, March 22, 2011

{that was too easy: Saltine Toffee}

Here’s something for you that’s cheap and easy.
And, no, I’m not talking about the cast of Jersey Shore.
This is perfect for those moments when you realize you forgot to make something for the party and a pantry that would make Old Mother Hubbard cry.
I just worked Old Mother Hubbard and Jersey Shore into the same post.

Seriously, someone gimme some props on that!

Ok, back on topic here (I tend to say that a lot, don’t I? ADD much?)…
This recipe calls for very basic ingredients and very few of them. When you finish you’ll end up with this:

Toffee goodness! Think Heath Bar-ish. mmmm… Heath Bars.
Bear with me, because this is a little off the wall. Here’s what you start with:

Mmmhmmm.. saltines. Plunk down a sleeve on a foil lined pan (that you’ve lightly sprayed with cooking spray). If you don’t have a jelly roll pan, a 13x9 cake pan will work as well. I recommend filling to all the way to the sides. I only used a sleeve and my little babies went floating as you’ll see a few photos later.
You need 1 cup of butter and 3/4 cup of brown sugar. I used 1/4 dark brown and 1/2 light brown because I refuse to color inside the lines. If you are a more of a stick to the plan kinda person, feel free to use 3/4 light brown.

If you are a total rebel, go all dark, baby. All dark.
Bring to a boil, then let boil for 3 minutes. Stir constantly so it won’t stick or scorch. Add a splash of vanilla, and whisk well.
Then… pour it on, honey.
This is where my floating began.. but did not end.
Fully coated, and floaty, crackers.
Pop this into an oven that has been preheated to 400. Bake for 5 minutes.

I’m going to tell you something shocking here. Ready?
I was nearly out of chocolate chips!
Gasp! I KNOW!

So, I had to improvise. You are supposed to use 2 Cups of chocolate chips. I only had about a cup. So, I broke into the Bean’s stash. (don’t rat me out, man!).
This is his favorite chocolate. He has two big bars currently. He won’t notice, right? RIGHT???

Anyway, I broke it up into small pieces and mixed with the chocolate chips.
Sprinkle onto the toffee as soon as you take it out of the oven.
(you’ll notice more float-age in this photo)
Let it sit for a couple of minutes until they are good and melty.
Then spread over the crackers.
At this point you can add 1/2 cup of nuts to the top.

I choose to say no to nuts.

You can leave this or embellish it. I used melted white chocolate and white non pereils. You could also use mini M&Ms.
Allow to fully cool, then cut into triangles or break into pieces.
This will keep for about a week when stored in an airtight container.
I highly doubt it will last that long though.

So, like I said, cheap and easy (but in a good way).
Here’s the link to the printable! Enjoy!
Also, this is great for holiday gifts! (and yes, I am aware it is March, thanks).
With a whisk and a dream… Tina

*recipe found on the back of a Kroger Saltine box

Shared on Fat Camp Friday for 9/16/11 
Shared at Passionately Artistic


  1. Oh! This sounds great. I've never had homemade toffee before. I have all of these ingredients, too. I am printing this one out!! :)

    Lisa (boobearsmama1)

  2. Ohhhhh yum! That sounds wonderful AND easy! I might have to try that one out tomorrow when the chocolate craving hits me (except I'll have to run to the store for saltines). MMMMMMM!

  3. Wow, this looks like a yummy idea! I will be trying this for sure. When I do, I'll let you know. :D

  4. Hi Tina, Im so following you and your goodies!!:)

  5. These are yummy! I make them quite often. I like how you embellished them! I'll have to try that!

  6. Thank you so much for sharing these delightful little treats at Fat Camp Friday! It will be featured all week at Mangoes and Chutney.

  7. Oh wow. Adding this to my Pinterest right now! YUM!!!!

    I co-host a foodie meme called Friday Food Fight and I would LOVE for you to link up and share your saltine toffee recipe. Hope to see you in the ring! :-)

  8. definitely gonna try these! They look yummy!

  9. I just made this!! OMG YUM!!! Something for me to remember for next time, don't skimp on the butter, (mine was less floaty and more blobby. ;)) Also don't lick the fork right after stirring the boiling caramel....! Otherwise all good and everyone agrees very YUM! Thank you!


...because life should be sweet.