
Monday, January 2, 2012

{ Favorite Christmas Photos }

Now, I’m going to show you some of my favorite Christmas photos.

And you have no choice but to sit here and look at them.

You are held captive. Mwhahahaha.

What do you mean you can close the browser window?!



ok, What I meant to say was this…

Would you be evah so kind to sit here a spell and look at my favorite Christmas photos? 

Thank ya, kindly.

First up, my tree.

My tree is not designer or showroom ready. 

It’s covered in memories. 

Ornaments that the Bean and I have made together (including the topper which he helped to glue on the buttons at 2 years old), ornaments from my annual ornament party that I’ve held for 18 years, and Hallmark ornaments. I started buying the Bean a Hallmark the year he was born. He picks them out and tries to get something that ties in with something he’s done that year. For example, the year he started Kindergarten, he got a backpack ornament, the years he got his puppies, we have puppy ornaments, the year he became obsessed with trains, a train ornament, the year he got to sit in a real fire truck he picked a fire truck ornament. This year was a challenge, finding something suitable for him at 14 years old, but finally we found a patriotic Santa for our trip to D.C.

So, it might not be the most beautiful tree ever, but the memories make it amazing to us.


Tree bokeh. I love me some bokeh. 


Next up comes St. Nick’s:

When the Bean was 3, I decided to start our own tradition. Something that no one else in the family had ever done. After a little research, I decided to go with the (mostly) European Holiday of St. Nick's. We pretty much follow the German tradition. What we don't do is sit the shoes outside for fear raccoons will carry things off. So, Bean sits them outside his bedroom door.  When he was little, he would stick his list for Santa in his boot, Santa would pick it up and leave a little present or candy. There's not a list anymore- or boots for that matter, but the shoes still seem to appear on the 5th of December, even if he is 14 years old now.

By the way, don't worry, nothing is IN the stinky teenage shoes, just laying on top of. I actually bagged it all in a ziploc after I took the photo. 

More info on St. Nicks can be found here.


One of our Christmas Cards. Yeah, I went there.


The Bean and our kitty in front of the tree on Christmas Eve


The dogs in front of the fireplace Christmas morning


which is not really a great photo, but the dogs are hard to capture together!

More puppy.. This is Luna.


Fairley, my love

he Bean & my nieces on Christmas.

I mustache you a question? Did you have a Merry Christmas?

The Bean and my grandma. She’ll be 92 in April.


My New Year’s Eve Tree


Our friend Bobby trying to pop his NYE balloon & failing. Strong balloon is strong.


The first sunset of 2012


and lastly- although not technically a holiday photo, this one from today shows our first accumulating snow of the season (only about 1” though *sad face*).


I’d love to see your favorite photos! Post them on my Facebook page!

All the best,

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...because life should be sweet.