
Saturday, April 7, 2012

{ Harry Potter: Chocolate Frogs }

Yes, I realize it's the day before Easter.

Yes, I realize that I'm posting a Harry Potter recipe.

The day before Easter.

Does that make me a bad person? Or does that make me eccentric? I like the sounds of that.

All my people love Harry Potter. My niece (18 yr old) and I were the first. She started reading them at the ripe old age of 8. Then I started to read them to the Bean. Somewhere along the lines, my younger (16) niece took a liking.

Probably peer pressure. You know, from family.

My older brother refused to read them. Or watch the movies. He, being an older brother, liked to make fun of me for my nerdlike tendencies. He called poor Harry names.

So rude.

Then he was down for a few months with his (I'm not sure at this rate, he's had so many) 4th back surgery.

And he was bored.

Harry Potter books, well, they are fatties. They'll keep you entertained for weeks.

Or days, if you read fassst.

Long story short- he's joined the ranks. Potter Geeks RULE!

I decided to make Chocolate Frogs to give the fam for Easter.

I saw Kristan from Confessions of a Cookbook Queen do a guest post on Bakingdom's blog a couple weeks ago.

Bakingdom is one of my favorite sites to stalk, Darla is a geek too, and a majorly talented one!

Kristan made her frogs with a fluffy (green!) marshmallow filling, and while, I'm sure that is good (and I will be trying it), the Bean's fav is chocolate and peanut butter. If you could see his Easter Basket, you'd recommend I buy stock in Reeses.

So chocolate peanut butter frogs it was.

I like how my salsa dish looks like a lil cauldron.

Want to see the middle?

Since last night, Bean has eaten three. And BEGGED for more.

It's possible that he likes them.

I like to give the nieces and nephew a little something when they come over, but I know that they've got loaded baskets at home, so, just a wee little treat from me.

In honor of my Manga/Anime obsessed nieces, they are getting little Take Out boxes.

The baggie in the back is the chocolate frog.

I bagged them all up quickly to keep the Bean's grubby paws off.

It had to be done.

Happy Easter! May you be blessed with good food, good company, and good candy.



Peanut Butter Filled Chocolate Frogs
Recipe by Tina @Sugar Bean Bakers

Makes approx 12 filled Frogs

6 squares of Chocolate Bark for dipping
(or equivalent in other dipping chocolate)

1/2 cup creamy peanut butter

4 Tablespoons brown sugar*

4 Tablespoons water

*I used Skippy Natural Peanut Butter, which I believe has less sugar to start with. You may want to start with 3 Tablespoons brown sugar and taste from there.

 In a bowl, mix the sugar into the peanut butter. Add in the water.

Microwave for about 30 seconds. Then stir well.

It should be slightly runny.  Set aside while you prepare molds.

Melt chocoalte according to package instructions. 

Place a couple spoonfuls into the frog mold. Using a brush that you have reserved for food use only, work the chocolate into the mold. Place into the refrigerator for about 10 minutes.

Remove molds, fill to nearly the top with the peanut butter filling. Reserve a small bit of room to cover the peanut butter mixture with chocolate. Place in refrigerator again. Allow to chill completely before removing your frogs onto a serving plate.


  1. These are super cute--you come up with such neat stuff!

  2. It's too funny that you posted these for Easter. My little girl was pretending to be the Easter bunny this morning and suddenly started ribbeting and saying she was the Easter Frog. She'd have loved these :-)

  3. These look so cute! =)

    I love...chocolate!

    Happy Easter!


...because life should be sweet.