
Thursday, July 12, 2012

{ Vanilla Sugar }

 So, today, my friend and I went to a Spice & Tea store.

There they had different flavors of sugar, including Vanilla Sugar.

It was $4.95 an ounce.


You know what? You can make your own Vanilla Sugar for way, way, uhh WAY less.

Vanilla Sugar is yummy in coffee, teas, or you can add in cookies or sprinkle on top of cupcakes/cookies.


So, so easy...  You will need a vanilla bean. Those, yes, are expensive, but, you're going to get a lot of sugar out of this recipe.

I paid just over $4 for one bean.

For Vanilla Sugar you'll need:

1 Vanilla Bean
2 Cups of White Sugar

That's it!

Here we go-

2 cups sugar & 1 vanilla bean

Slice open your bean lengthwise & scrap out the 'caviar'. No, seriously, that's what it's called.

I can't make this stuff up.

Flick this into your sugar. I say 'flick' because it's sticky stuff.

Then, you'll probably need to rub the clumps between your fingers to separate them... because, as I said... sticky.

Then stir.

Here's what you get

You'll store this in an airtight container. Don't throw the bean away! Bury it in the sugar.

Keep in the container for 2 weeks to give it time to properly infuse.

I mark mine on the calendar so I remember.

Yes I have an Angry Birds calendar. Yes, I can feel you judging me.

This is fantastic as a present.

Just pop into pretty bottles/jars & label. 

Pretty, right?

Yummy too.

And way, way less than $4.95 an ounce!

By the way-
I had to scrub my wooden cutting board because it kinda smelled like onions. Make sure your surface is nice and clean before cutting into your bean so you won't infuse something yucky into your sugar.

If you need to clean your's here's a good way to do that: table salt & lemons.

Rub the salt into the board with the lemons for a few minutes. Then rinse well and dry with a paper towel.

Easy, peasy, lemon squeezy.

Sorry I just said that.


  1. Where did you get that little bottle? I made vanilla extract last Christmas to give as gifts, but had a really hard time finding nice jars to put it in. That one you used for your sugar is adorable.

    1. They have lots of little bottles at The Container Store - they also have a website.

    2. I wish we had one of those close by :( I've never been to one.

  2. Thanks! I'm planning to make extract as well. Hoping to find the beans a *wee* cheaper for that, since you need more.

    This is actually a vinegar bottle. I got it at dollar store :)

  3. I need to get me some vanilla beans! I bet that sugar smells SO good!

  4. Great idea! I have some Bourbon Vanilla beans I need to figure out something to do with, maybe I'll try this!

  5. Hi there, I'm hosting My Sweet party and I would love you to join! Check it out at


  6. This is such a great idea! Love it.

  7. I had the vanilla beans out this weekend in some fabulous whipped cream over berries and angel food cake and then in some yummy peach vanilla butter I made (in the crock-pot of course) so I went ahead and split a few more of those bad boys up into some vanilla sugar. Cannot wait to have some in my morning coffee!

  8. Dorothy, it's actually quite a STRONG smell. It tastes amazing though.

    We've got a cotton candy machine and I'm planning on making Vanilla Cotton Candy with a batch :)

    Miranda, those sound GREAT! I need to find me some of those!

    Me & My Sweets, Linked up, thanks for the invite!

    Tara, thanks! Let me know if you give it a try.

    Heidi, that sounds delicious!!! Let me know how your sugar turns out!

  9. I think that vanilla sugar is the best thing in the whole wide land of ever. The Hubster splurges and buys it for me pre-made from Penzey's Spices, because theirs is really excellent, but I also make it on occasion, too.

    I don't share it. Judge me. I don't even care.


...because life should be sweet.