
Thursday, August 8, 2013

{Molly Weasley's Rock Cakes: Guest Post at Bakingdom}

I'm so excited to be guest blogging for my BBF today! That's Best Blogging Friend, if you didn't know.

Darla and I "met" through what I like to call 'the magic of Harry Potter & Cupcakes'. We are both food bloggers and we are both rabid Harry Potter fans. I'd been following Darla's blog, Facebook, and twitter for a round a year. Once I was finally able to get Instagram (thank you slow android market), I started following her there too.  It was when I started posting photos of my Harry Potter party (that I was planning last summer) that our friendship really blossomed. Now, we are inseparable. Well, as inseparable as two people can be who live about 4000 miles apart! We love so much of the same stuff that it's a little scary at times. She once referred to us as 'geek soul mates'. Ha. I love that.

So, really, it seemed only fitting that I make a Harry Potter recipe.

Now, you are just going to have to apparate over to Bakingdom to see what I think Molly would whip up to send off to Hogwarts!


1 comment:

  1. I found this via Bakingdom who I have been following for a while now! I absolutely love Darla and her HP Posts and I am so glad that now I can follow you and yours! Keep them coming I love baking and Harry Potter so when I can combine them it makes me super happy!


...because life should be sweet.