
Tuesday, June 3, 2014

{ The Fault In Our Stars Cookies }

If I've ever had a hipster moment in my life, it's this:

I liked John Green before he was cool.

Ok, lie. John Green has ALWAYS been cool (unless you ask him about his school days). John has rocketed to fame after publishing The Fault in Our Stars in 2012, and even more so now that the movie hits theaters in only 3 days. I, however, have been a fan of John Green's (and his brother Hank) since 2007, when they started a little YouTube series called Vlogbrothers. When I subscribed to their channel in July of that year they had, I believe, around 4,000 subscribers. As I write this, the vlogbrothers now have 2,103,154 subscribers.

Upon watching the first video I found (Accio Deathly Hallows), I then went back to the start and watched all of them. I loved these quirky guys. They were just too much fun. I did what I always do, and I googled. I found out John was an award winning author and I ran right out and bought the two books he had published at the time (Looking for Alaska & An Abundance of Katherines). Since then he has published Paper Towns, and Co-authored Will Grayson, Will Grayson, and Let It Snow. Also, obviously, The Fault in Our Stars. (See all about John's books here). You can read much more about the Brothers Green in my prior post about them which I wrote after meeting John at a signing in 2012: {That Time I Met John Green & JScribble Cookies}.

Back to the cookies, eh? As I mentioned, the movie comes out in 3 days. I'm quite excited, as you can imagine. TFiOS is a beautiful, quirky, heart-wrenching book, and I love it. In the book, the main characters, Hazel and Augustus, banter back and forth over the word "Okay", and that simple word eventually becomes full of meaning. That's where these cookies come in. The front cover of TFiOS features two clouds.

One cloud is actually black and the other white, but I don't find black icing all that appetizing, so I went with TFiOS blue.

These are simple sugar cookies with royal icing. I decorated with the flood and fill method. I'm not great at it, but I think these look ok :) I couldn't find a cloud cookie cutter (what?!), so I made a template from cardstock and cut around it.

Yes, those are ALL my copies of TFiOS. What?!

Are you a John Green fan? Are you going to see the TFiOS movie? Are you a Nerdfighter? Do you know about the vlogbrothers?

If so, leave me a note in comments!

And as they say in my hometown... Don't Forget To Be Awesome!


This recipe uses:

Rolled Sugar Cookies

Royal Icing
Flood and Fill method

and... Awesome


  1. AHHH! These are AWESOME!! I am super excited for TIFIOS, though I will be wearing my "the book was better" shirt just to be safe. I am a new nerdfighter, and I have you to thank because you introduced vlogbrothers and such! My first vlogbrothers video was about Harry Potter nerds that you put into your other John-Green-related post, further proving my theory that almost everything I end up loving comes from Harry Potter (including your blog and Bakingdom). DFTBA!!!!!
    ~Maya :):

    1. I just saw this comment, Maya! I'm so glad I helped foster your Nerdfighterness!


...because life should be sweet.