
Wednesday, February 11, 2015

{ Easiest Valentine's Heart Cake Ever }

Since I was a little girl, I've loved to bake and cook. I've always loved to celebrate the holidays in grand style. I know who to thank for this too. My friend Betty.

Betty Crocker.

I had these cookbooks growing up, and I'm sure my mom still has them. They were old when I was a kid,  so, I think they are from the 60's or so. I think my mom found them for me at a yard sale. I loved pouring over them, especially the Party book.

Oh, the parties I would plan in my head! Who knew I'd actually grow up and throw such parties?!

I *think* it was in one of these books I came across this heart cake. I know I've been making it since I was about 10, in any case. I loved this because I could make a Valentine's Day present for my mom and dad and I didn't need any special pans. You've probably seen this a million times before, but there may just be someone out there who hasn't. Plus, it makes me happy, so there ;)

All you need:

A round cake and a square cake.

 Here's the whole process:




The end!

Couple tips. Definitely level your cake first. Add a bit of frosting between the round halves and the square. Use a fluffy type icing, not a ganache. You may need to 'build' up between the halves and the square.

I like to swirl the icing because it's beautiful, rustic, and forgiving.

To add a little extra pow to it, cut out a heart from a piece of cardstock, lay on top

Sprinkle powdered sugar over


Pretty! Be sure to do this step just before serving. The powdered sugar tends to disappear!

There you have it. Easy, beautiful, tasty.

And who could say no to a chocolate heart?

No one, that's who!

May your day be lovely,

Tina <3

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...because life should be sweet.