
Tuesday, December 31, 2013

{Spilled Confetti Cake}

Ever noticed how sprinkles look like confetti?

No? Well, they totally do.

When trying to come up with an idea for a quick and simple New Year's Eve cake, I thought of this little fact. At first I was going to just add the 'confetti' to the top of the cake, to which I was adding a New Year's Eve Ball. In fact, I even made said ball. However, when looking through my cabinets for the perfect sprinkles, I found little champagne glasses that I'd used for another party. I had a different idea in mind with that at first too. I was just sprinkling the cake with confetti and adding more to the glass. Then I thought of what my floor looks like at 12:01 New Year's Day. Confetti EVERYWHERE. Spilled, flung, popped... So, I decided to tip the glass and let the confetti pour out. And that, my friends, is where we are.

This cake is super simple. Just bake up whatever you like, slather in buttercream, and add your confetti. I added mine to the glass, then slowly tipped as I put in on the cake. This resulted in a lot of confetti at the top and at the base of the cake. For the side, I pretty much just took handfuls and threw. It was fun ;)

I also added a bit of confetti between the layers, because fun.

For scale reference, my cake is 3- 6 inch layers. Your glass would fit with room to spare on an 8 or 9 inch cake. You could totally do this on a sheet cake too, and allow the confetti to sprinkle across the top. It's all fun!

Wishing you all a safe and happy New Year's Eve and a beautiful, memorable, fantastic 2014.

Let's do this thing!



...because life should be sweet.