
Saturday, December 28, 2013

{Easy New Year's Eve Party}

As I mentioned Christmas was hard for me. I had SO much to do and so little time to do it in. I'm sorry to have left you all without any new recipes, but the fact that I made it through this season without a felony record is, in itself, a miracle.

However, I MADE it. And it was good! Christmas went off without a hitch (well, almost, dang USPS delivered one present a day late and I'm still waiting on the other). Christmas Eve was quiet and lovely. I saw an idea somewhere last year to do Christmas Eve in a box, so for the last two year's I've done that. Bean got the traditional new jammies, plus a Christmas movie, and movie snacks. After Christmas Eve service, we change into our jammies and watch the movie. This year's movie was Fred Claus. We've got a lot of Christmas movies already, so finding a new one does prove challenging. Christmas morning we awoke early and celebrated just the three of us. Then the grandparents came over for breakfast. We had sausage gravy and biscuits, breakfast fajitas (recipe soon), and liege waffles. Hours and hours of downtime followed which I LOVED. Again, just the three of us. We watched TV, and I prepped for our big Christmas dinner, which really didn't take long at all. The ham cooked while we hung out. I had made dessert the night before, so one less thing. The Bean insists on Texas Sheet Cake every Christmas. It's quick and easy enough for me. My family arrived and we all celebrated together after our meal. Lots of fun moments happened throughout the day. Then, after everyone was gone, Bean and I sat down to watch the Doctor Who Christmas Special and bid Matt Smith, our beloved Eleven, goodbye.

It was a good day. I was finally relaxed and happy.

Now, New Year's Eve upon us and that will be an easy affair. I'm not going complicated this year for sure! Games, food, fun. The end.

Easy New Year's Eve Party

It all starts with our Christmas Tree. For a few years now, I've been doing a New Year's Tree.

It's fun and useful!

New Year's Eve Tree

Then some easy snackies:

Delicious Ham Sams. These are easily made ahead and wrapped in foil. Then just pop in the oven for a bit and you are good to go.

Ham Sams

Now for a little dip, this is the Bean's favorite:

The Big Cheesy

Some sweeties?

My niece requested this.

Chocolate Chip Cheeseball

And finally,

Mock Champagne

This was a huge hit at last year's party and so, so, so easy!

As for games, we will be doing board games, and, of course, our favorite Visual Telephone which I explained in this post.

One more thing to add a little fun, how about some Photo Booth Props? They are easy to make!

Photo Booth Props

Guaranteed fun!

Have fun party planning, if you need more food ideas, check out my Party Food section.


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...because life should be sweet.