
Sunday, July 27, 2014

{ Budget Friendly Disney Party }

So, we've had a BIG secret for the last couple of months! We are taking Bean's girlfriend, a HUGE Disney fan and an EXTREME Potter fan, with us to Florida! Her birthday is Monday, but last night, I had her party. We started off with this video, made by my awesomely talented friend Darla and her hubster.

Forgive my shaky camera work on this. (Video doesn't seem to be available on mobile, sorry :( )

 I own no copyrights, all logos and music belong to the original owners. This was for personal entertainment use only.

She came into the house blindfolded so she wouldn't see the theme until after we'd watched the video. I told her it was a movie and it was going to show her the theme for her party. In reality, it was just over a minute long and told her she was going to Disney World and the Wizarding World of Harry Potter!

Happy Birthday to her, right?!

The themed I decided to go with was Casey's Corner/Mickey Mouse. Casey's Corner is a hot dog restaurant on Main Street, USA in the Magic Kingdom, and we are planning to eat there the day we go.

I used a Casey's logo I found on google images and made up a menu. (Note, these items are not all available at the real Casey's Corner).

This party is mostly brought to you buy the Dollar Tree (an everything's $1 store). I bought the little baskets in packs of 3 for $1, which I lined with red napkins (from the Dollar Tree), and chevron treat bags, just for color (from Pick Your Plum).

The hot dogs/sloppy joes were served in these.

You can see the Oreo pops right in front. Those are simple. Just use Double Stuf Oreos, dip a little chocolate on the lolly stick, poke it into the Oreo and allow to dry. Then use the mini Oreos for the ears. I only use the non cream side. Dip the edge of them in chocolate as well, and insert.

The hats came in packs of 8, but also had green in them. I only used the red, gold, and silver.

I added the ears and accents. Tutorial coming soon!

Her hat was individual and cost a whole $1 itself. I added the crown to it.

Behind the hats you can see the tiny, adorable cans of Coca Cola!

It's great for Disney parties because, one, it's the right color, and two, they serve Coca Cola at Disney World! I had planned to get the glass bottles of Coke, but ran into issues finding them. Then I saw the tiny cans (7.5 oz) and decided they were perfect (and, hello, cheaper! score!). I cut down my dotty straws a bit, and tied them on with bakers twine.

I have the old fashioned look tabletop popcorn machine. It just fit right in the theme. I found a Main Street USA sign on google and used it on the front of the machine.

I bought red, yellow, and white boxes to put the popcorn in, because, well, Mickey colors! You can see them here in the cupcake photo and also in the Coca Cola photo.

For the cupcakes, I did her favorite, chocolate chip cookie dough. Then I added the creamless side of the mini Oreos again (basically, I have a ton of cream sides still in the bag. Like that's a bad thing? Nope). These are SO cute and so easy! Any cupcake, swirl of buttercream, and Oreo ears. Bam. Done. I had a little tragedy when a couple fell off the stand. Don't look for them, ok? Ok.

I made this cute little centerpiece out of a mug I found for a few bucks, a $1 store Mickey, a Mickey hand I found and printed, little flags and a balloon I cut out, and ribbon. All of the objects are on a bamboo skewer inserted into a piece of styrofoam. I covered the skewers with paper straws.

I bought two sizes of black plates at the Dollar Tree. I just laid them out like this. They are not glued together or anything.

For wall decor, I just used bakers twine and scrap pieces of cardstock and paper I had. I cut out little pennants, and taped them on with Washi tape. I also stuck some stars on the wall (from Walmart, but still only $2 for 5).

That's pretty much it! A Disney Party on a budget. Including the food, I spent under $50 on this party. Can't complain about that.

And the birthday girl? Well, I *think* she liked it. ;)

Happy Birthday, Sid!

Love, Tina

See my other Disney posts here!

1 comment:

  1. This is adorable and so sweet of you to do! I hope you all have an awesome time, though I'm sure that won't be a problem. Also, inspired by you I have decided to try and have monthly themed game nights, so we'll see how that works out ;)
    ~Maya :):


...because life should be sweet.