
Monday, March 17, 2014

{Sweet & Salty Cupcakes}

I'm mid-birthday party planning for Bean's 17th. It's not going to be a major blowout with 25 kids like his Super 16th, but, it's going to be FUN.

I hate to keep you all in suspense, but, I'm gonna! It's going to be nerdly, awesome fun. No, not a Potter party, those are reserved for Harry himself, and for me! Let's just say, it's British, it's pretty nerdy, or at least fandom-y. It's not Doctor Who, I've done that as well (party, cake, cookies). Suffice it to say, we are pretty excited about this. The party isn't until April 12, so forgive me for talking about it a month in advance, kay? Thx.

I know it's far off, so in the meantime, I made you some cupcakes.

They are sweet, they are salty, they are delish.

Chocolate cupcakes, topped with a caramel buttercream, drizzled with caramel, sprinkled with sea salt, and topped with a pretzel. Am I forgiven for teasing you about the birthday party now? I thought so.

Enjoy... I'm going back to my party planning now. Lots to do, lots to prep, lots to investigate...


Sweet & Salty Cupcakes
by Tina @ Sugar Bean Bakers

 Chocolate Cupcakes (I like this recipe, or you can use a box mix)

1 recipe Caramel Buttercream

Caramel Ice Cream Topping

Sea Salt

1 Pretzel for each cupcake

Pipe Caramel Buttercream onto cooled chocolate cupcakes. Drizzle with caramel topping, sprinkle with sea salt, and top with a pretzel.

*note, do not top with pretzels until close to serving time. They can get soggy in the buttercream.


  1. Okay, I'll admit that I know the theme from Pinterest, but I'll never tell! Its an awesome idea, just like these cupcakes!
    ~Maya :):

  2. Sorry, feel free not to approve that comment if you think it'll give it away! This one too, obvs.
    ~Maya again :):

  3. These cupcakes look divine. I am so glad that I've found another nerdy anglophile in the food blog world. I can't wait to see what you've got planned. Your parties are always so hard core.


...because life should be sweet.