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Monday, October 15, 2012

{ How To Throw A Zombie Party }

Yeah, it's nearly Halloween.

It's also time for a new season of The Walking Dead.

Which we can no longer see. Thankyouverymuch, Dish :(

The idea was brought to me a while back, by one of the Bean's friends, to have a zombie party this year.

I thought, why the heck not.

I have a love/hate relationship with horror movies. I really don't like anything that deals with the spirit world. However, zombies, monsters, aliens, etc... yeah, bring 'em.

My favorite horror movie is 28 Days Later. Very violent. Very gross. It'sawesome.

My least favorite horror movie? The Shining. That thing freaked me out. I've seen it twice. I couldn't sleep twice.

No and thanks.

So, zombies? Yeah. Let's do this thing.

*note, there is nothing particularly gross in this post, but if you are queasy, you may not enjoy some of the names for foods.

This was not a fancy party table kind of party. It was also not a long and thought out party like my Epic Harry Potter Party. It's a quick and easy party that you can throw together in a couple hours. You could totally fancy up your table too! We were going at this survivor style!

Before the party I had the kids RSVP as either Survivors or Zombies. 

Survivors dressed in tattered, blood stained clothing. They were armed with AirSoft guns. 

I shared this photo of the shirt we made the Bean over on my Facebook page. I used kitchen supplies! I dirtied it up with Cocoa Powder and made the blood stains with Americolor Super Red Gel Food Coloring.

(sorry for the blurred faces, but I don't post photos of minors online without permission)

 The Zombies... 
well, they came as zombies. One girl went ALL out and was particularly gross.

So, as I said, this is a pretty easy party to throw.

We had a campfire (you know, Survivor style) & roasted hog dogs (aka Fingers of Fat Men), which I forgot to take a photo of.

I wish I'd taken a photo of our 'campsite' prior to the party. The Bean did a great job "fortifying" it with old tobacco stakes & hung a 'blood stained' flag with the words 'Novam Vitam' on it which means 'New Life' in Latin.

This is what it looks like under normal circumstances. It did look quite desolate with the fallen leaves & fire burning.

We also had:

Contaminated Brain Juice

Recipe at end of post

Bloody Chunks
 Salsa, obviously

Contents of Old Canned Goods

It's Ranch Dip tinted red. I think it would be better green.
Hindsight and all.

The chips were labeled 'Crisped Skin'. Forgot that photo as well.



made from Finger Jello (recipe at end of post)

For the Brains, I used this mold that I purchased from Bake It Pretty.

The hatchets and tiny spoons came from there as well.

And of course, Brain Cakes.

I made these last year for my niece's 16th birthday party.

This year though, I added an element of surprise.

Not everyone got the clot (cherry). If you got that, you were safe. If you were infected, however,
you got green pudding in the middle of your cupcake.



 Everyone liked taking a bite and seeing what their result would be.

I also had Sixlet candies in a baggie and labeled "Vaccine".

Zombie Attack!

After they ate and it got dark, all they did was play Ghost in the Graveyard.
The Survivors hid & the Zombies looked for them. Apparently, it was extremely freaky to
be out in our pitch black woods & corn fields. Especially the cornfields. The wind rustles and 
so does the corn. Very scary, they say. These aren't young kids either. The youngest is 15.

From the campsite I heard LOTS of screaming, followed by lots of laughter.
I'm really glad we don't live in a populated area. I feel certain the Sheriff would have shown up on
my door step.

"No, really, officer. We are just practicing for the Zombie Apocalypse, no big deal. Have YOU been practicing? I'd feel much better knowing our law enforcement was preparing with regular drills.
Have you? HAVE YOU?"

Then I'd prolly get taken in.

In a white coat.

But hey, preparation is key.




Finger Jello
2 packages unflavored gelatin
1 regular sized package Jello gelatin
2 1/2 cups water
1/4 cup sugar

In a small bowl, add 1 cup of cold water to the gelatin & stir to dissolve. Set aside.

Add 1 cup of water to a pan, along with the sugar & flavored Jello. Bring this to a bowl, then remove from heat.

Stir in the gelatin & water & and extra 1/4 cup water. 

Pour into a pan and place in refrigerator to set. When fully set & cut, you should be able to easily pick up and eat pieces with your fingers.

For the "guts" I made 2 recipes. I made the first recipe exactly as listed above. Once it was set, I made the second recipe. For it, I added 1/8 cup of whipping cream and 1/8 cup water instead of 1/4 cup water. This is what makes it less opaque & more of a pink color. You can see the division in the photo above. Pour over the first layer, and allow to set. After both layers were set, I cut them in long, thin strips.

You can make lots of layers by using different flavors of jello. Very pretty & tasty.
When I was a kid, my mom made this ALL the time. Other kids had never had it before (this was in the days prior to Jello Jigglers) and everyone loved it. This tastes much better than Jello Jigglers as well!

Recipe adapted from

Contaminated Brain Juice
1 Gallon Lemon Lime Hawaiian Punch
1- 2Liter Lemon Lime Soft Drink
1 Container Orange Sherbert
Recipe by Tina


  1. I just needed to comment on this! I adore your blog. It inspired me to do so much, I don't know how many times I go through your posts...I love TWD its my favorite show. I was searching for DAYS for a visual on how someone else threw one of these parties and this is it. Not to mention the Harry Potter Posts, I'm actually secretly planning a HP party for my twin sisters 24th. Keep up the amazing work :)

  2. Love the safe and infected cupcakes, great thinking!

  3. This is awesome and so fun, thanks for sharing!


...because life should be sweet.


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